Salam Syawal utk semua!

selamat hari raya Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, May 21, 2010

How you use your Computer internet to the most?

It's hilarious when somebody was asked this question they thought they could easily answer and they laugh and laugh some more then suddenly they stop laughing for a moment they're thinking and rethink again in the end they couldn't answer.

However it's is inevitably almost true when one was asked the same question thet the first thing came across in their mind are email, facebook, youtube and most probably online streaming. However that's not they only way to use them. There are more, ask your friends.

When you own a computer either a desktop or laptop, a PC or a Mac or a Linux user as long as it has the ability to connect to the internet and off course you need an internet connection, WiFi, broadband, tethering or anything that can be define internet connections you have the key and doors of knowledge of the world, Literally. The 24/7 non-stop entertainment (not recommended), the whole Library in you hands.

All you need is to know what to find how to find. Internet is a vast cloud of connections, clients, spaces, servers and so on and if you use it wisely it can bring the world to you. You can sit and spent hours, days and even weeks to stay connected (not recommended though..).

Here I share with you some use full links that I think very fascinating to see; I divide them in categories, News, blogs, techies.




There are more That I haven't and couldn't list them here and I am sure that you have more exciting links that we don't know of, so my question of the day is what is your favorite website?

Special Birthday Shoutout!!


The middle of the semester is already entering for those yang mengambil Semester 3 and selaluny stat tia udah smua lecturer bpakat kan mbagi segala assignment,test,ujian..dan sebagainya.disebalik a2,BSU tidak lupa mengucpkn Selamat Hari Jadi/Happy Birthday/Sanah Helwah/公顷生日( Happy birthday ertinya 2..banar ehh) especially 2 Shahizauddin or better known as Sham..BSU would like to wish him a very Happy Birthday,Semoga segl yang di impikan i'Allah menjadi nyata ,klw alum mnjadi nyata jangan menyerah (dangar lagu D'Massiv) cuba lgi taun dapan..We hope that you will be blessed with umur yang panjang,murah rezeki,berjaya dalam segala yang di usahakan and also bahagia disamping keluarga tersayang and also we wish you are always dibwh rahmat Allah sentiasa..amin

Hope you had a nice one this year Bro..

Salam myspace graphic comments

Friday, May 14, 2010

Birthdy Alert!!!!


The middle of the semester is looming and without us realizing it,semester 1 has already began.Today's birthday post is ll about our higher member's of BSU. Last Sunday was the birthday of our BSU Secretary,Sa'adatul Nazahah..although she is not taking semester 3,Her birthday will be remembered by us at BSU.Today is also a red carpet event for the president of BSU,Ak Hj Mohd Norhasib..We would like to wish both of them a very Happy (belated) Birthday to both of them.Semoga dipanjangkan umur,di murahkan rezeki, sentiasa di rahmati Allah nd also berjya dalam segala usaha..aminn

to both of them,We wish that they had a very great birthday and also happy disamping keluarga yang tersayang..we'll see you guys again in Semester 1..


Happy belated Birthday Ezah!
The Birthday Boy@El-Presidente