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Tuesday, January 27, 2009

The Difference Between Women and Men


Nampaknya mikin rajin urang mempost di blog ani and thats a good thing really.klw siapa yg kn mmpost anything yg kan d share(jangan luan karit ani..) please gimme your email and i will add you as one of the authors.this post was sent via email by Mariam(nda ku tau kalau ada urang salah antar) enjoy.

Why stressed women talk
Under stress and pressure, a man's main brain functions of spatial ability and logic are activated. A woman's speech function is acitivated and she starts talking, often non-stop. If she's stressed, she talks, talks and talks to anyone who will listen. She can talk about her problems to her friends for hours, giving a thorough report of details and then they all give the problem another post-mortem. She talks about present problems, past-problems, possible problems and problems that have no solutions. When she talks, no solutions are sought as she receives comfort and relief from the process of talking. Her takling is unstructured and several subjects can be discussed at any one time with no conclusions being reached.
For a women, sharing problems with her friends is a sign of trust and friendship.
For a man, listening to her talk about problems is hard work because he feels he is expected to solve each problems she brings up as she talks aloud. He doesn't just want to talk about it, he wants to do something about it! He is likely to interrupt with, "Waht's the point here?" The point is that there doesn't need to be a point. The most valuable lesson a man can learn is to listen using sounds and gestures, and not to offer solutions. To a man, however, this is an alien concept because he only talks when he has a solution to offer.
When you're dealing with an upset woman, don't offer solutions
or invalidate her feelings - just show her you're listening.
When a woman refuses to accept his solutions, his next strategy is to try to minimise the problems by telling her, 'it doesn.t really matter', 'You're overreacting', 'Forget about it', and 'It's not a big deal'. This infuriates a woman who begins to feel he doesn't care about her because he won't listen.
Why stressed man won't talk
A woman talks outside her head, that is, you can hear her, whereas a man talks inside his head. He doesn't have strong brain areas for speech so this suits his mindset. When he has a problem he talks to himself while she talks to other people.
This is why, when under the pressure of problems or stress, a man will clam up and stop talking. He uses his right brain to solve his problems or find solutions and he stops using his left brain to listen or speak. His brain can only do 'one thing at a time'. He can't solve problems and listen or talk simultaneously. This silence is often distressing and frightening for a woman. A women says to her husband, son and brother, "Come on, got to talk about it! You'll feel better!" She says this because this is what works for her. But he just wants to be left alone to firegaze until he comes up with some solutions and answers. He doesn't want to talk to anyone about it, especially a therapist, because he sees that as a major sign of weakness.
The famous Rodin sculpture "The Thinker" symbolises a man thinking about his problems. He wants to sit on his rock and think about solutions and needs to be alone to do it. The key word here is alone -- no-one is ever allowed to go up in the rock with him, not even his best friends. In fact, his male friends would not even comtemplate going up there. A women feels the urge to climb up there with him to give comfort and she gets a rude shock when he pushes her off!
Men climb on their rocks to solve problems.
Women who follow them get kicked off.
If Rodin created a sculpture tp personify a woman, it would probably be called "The talker". Women need to understand that when a man is on his rock they need to leave him and let him think. Many women feels that his silence means doesn't love her or that he's angry with her. This is because when a women wasn't talking, she'd be angry or upset. But if she leaves him on his rock with a cup of tea and a biscuit and doesn't press him to talk, he'll be fine. When he finally solves his problems, he'll come down off his rock and feel happy and begin to talk again.


  1. Nice post. Btw, post ane idea sendiri atau extracted from somewhere? Coz it's important to cite the source.

  2. nice.. nice.. yeah, its true to me, sometimes when I'm angry I just wanna be alone. then if things solved.. tadaaa!! i'm back.
    btw please insert the source if u got it from somewhere, i would love to red it..

  3. I got it from a book entitled "Why men don't listen and women can't read maps". The author of this book is Allan and Barbara Pease.. And ada lagi satu buku yg drg tulis that is "why men don't have a clue and women always need more shoes" atu lagi interestinglah...ehehehehe...well, enjoy reading
