Salam Syawal utk semua!

selamat hari raya Pictures, Images and Photos

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Happy belated bday to Qayyuum Ameen..

Salam..Sori For the lack of updates,tapi we're really sorry for not posting this on the exact date tpinya bukan maknanya kmi nda sayang abg naib presiden kitani ani..neways,BSu would like to wish Happy Belated Birthday to Abd Qayyum,smoga dipanjangkan umur, di murahkan rezeki n sentiasa di dlm lindungan Allah..amin

btw,since birthday tym urg cuti tani postpone sja celebrationnya smpai buka sem dpn ah,msa d rumah Duta kh sja..haha


Happy Late Birthday

Slamat Hari Jadi to ADLAN AZIZ..

Yaaaa,sudah tiba masanya untuk menyambut Hari kelahiran Abg serba talented BSU,Awg Integra,awg Adlan Aziz.di kesempatan ini,BSU ingin mengucapkan Selamat Hari Jadi kepada abiskita,semoga di panjangkan lagi umur,Murah rezeki,n Always in God's Guidance..amin,enjoy ur Birthday ol' fren,haf a blast n hopefully a wonderful day..


Happy Birthday

Sunday, June 28, 2009

5 things u seriously need to know about this swine thingy

Praises be to whom all praise be, we humbly seek your utmost mercy

Yes-yes-ya’ll. You read it right. The purpose of this blog aint just about keeping you up-to-date with the latest ticks and tocks in the block, we aim to equip u guys with education on our recently discovered gossip, and yeah, if people are mixing up the swine flu epidemic with the story about the relative who just got married but only few people attended it, and on top of that its at the dinner table?!

Its definitely GOSSIP!

As most of you may have heard about it in the news, read it in the newspapers, talked about it, made disgusting pig noises whilst joking about it, it aint a joke no more fellas. If any of you ever saw the movie BABE and said to yourselves awwwwww what a cute little pinky piggy with those cute little piggy tail, watch the flick once more. See if similar feelings also come up.
Anyway, allow me to skip the bla-bla part… here are 5 of the must-knows about the disease that’s taking our Brunei by storm. If you read about it somewhere, well… we’re just here to lend a helping hand.

1.Home Sweet Home
Lemme take u back to the priceless memories when you used to just count the days of going back to your country, buy gifts for your families back home, as if the 10th consecutive time you bring them a present aint enough. Haven’t they heard of ebay? Or how about the time you surprised your parents by telling them that ur going back tomorrow when really ur already in the car with ur brother. Well… be prepared to not repeat those amazing histories again, thanks to the swine flu. Damn the disease! (excuse my French). Now I gotta go back and kiss my mamas cheek with a freakin doctors mask on. They’ve actually managed, without a single break of sweat, tainted the phrase home sweet home to a whole other level that’s not even sweet, and not even homey. Oh well, at least its gonna keep the Bruneians mamas out of Malaysia for a while… IKEA had enough don’t u think. Frankly, I gotta say that Bruneians are responsible for 50% of IKEA’s profit. Can they at least give special discounts to these yellow ic’s?? how the heck that every Bruneian owns a little piece of IKEA items? You’d be in an almost torn down place right, even the door creaks when u enter, chairs are already wiggly, then they gently sit u down to eat, u grab the spoon then BAM! IKEA spoons.

2. Veil Yoursleves!!
There was once a time when a hijab-wearing muslim lady (and I mean full-on covered… ehhhh! purdah bah purdah), who would walk down BB street, and strangers, who would throw the pitiful woman funny looks as if Halloween came early this year and expressions on their faces could only be translated into words as: why would u put on a blanket in an oven?? But now, everyone is starting to join in the hippest trend yet, I bet Vogue wont cover that one. If theres any group of women who I dare say are going to be immune by this so-called flu, its them Ninjas! Respect!

3. It’s a race!
Is it just me or are the news that are covering these flu stories makes it look like we’re in the race or something. I’ll show u what I mean. Here’s a sneak-peek at what im babbling about, taken from the Brunei Times.

• WHO says confirmed cases of H1N1 flu top 1,000 mark
• 7 new cases confirmed
• 91 confirmed flu cases in US
• Four new H1N1 cases in Saudi
• HK lists 65 new H1N1 cases

Doesn’t that sound like it’s a race? Can someone confirm that the Beijing Olympics are over? I know they’re there to inform us, but come on guys, cant u at least pick some decent words that flow with the tragedy and not get me excited on false hope here. Im sitting in my room reading this and the only thought that goes thru my mind is “are we winning? Oh wait…”

4.Moonwalk the pig
Another thing that bugs the very core of me is that the news about the swine flu came to an abrupt halt when a so-called legend, no offense to the king of whatever they name him, well… died. Why in the mother-naturing heck does it only takes one entertainer to make the entire world stop and pause. No doubt, one of the greatest, he made thrilla maaan, but some of us are actually scared to death here. Are we suppose to just moonwalk past the disease? The weird thing is that before the death, no one even talked about him, not even a Mike or a Jack pass thru peoples lips, but now freakin dummies that didn’t even experience thriller are paying tribute to the late singer, rubbing their noses in his shoes, like they had something to do with his success. Radio stations are dedicating a whole day just to play his music, like he’s gonna realize it, disturbing my beloved news for his funeral, I mean billy jean aint gonna sound so good when ur in the hospital with glass walls all around u.

5. Astro no mo’
Well, im happy to inform you Malaysia, that Brunei no longer require your freakin Astro. Yes I said it! In your face Malaysia!! I’ll take that back when the time is right. Why don’t we need Astro no mo’? Coz BRUNEI TV never looked this sexy baby. I think RTB should make Bruneians subscribe to the news at times like these, showcase it as box office. That’ll be great, might as well make a profit out of other peoples misery right? nadawah. Well… anyway

Be yourself, but wear a mask! LoL

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Kitab Inda Kuasa

Syukur dan syukur, puji dan puji, lagi dan lagi sampai tiada lagi

Periksa periksa periksa… berinut tah ko selama-lamanya…

Izinkan ku siasi turut nyampuk arah gembira kamu yang sudah selasai menjalani hukuman penjara. Banduan lapas pun inda iski cani nie, bukan plang pernah. Brabis tinggi lumpatnya hatiku bila kena suruh ngampai pen pastu kena suruh duduk diam nunggu kena ambil kratas dari tangan ku. Teranah ku duduk tekidum-kidum. Pemeriksa pun bangang, prasan kena urat, bepada-pada jua sudah senyuman ku atu. Adang pasal atu. Masa anie, dapat balik ku nyambung kraja-kraja yang nada masa kan di sibukkan di kala utak kumuh, misalnya mendangar betapa sayunya suara katak betarap dengan irama reggae di malam hari, membuatkan samut-samut atas tudung butul coke guyang kaki menari-nari. Atau dapat balik nyambung kraja ngira taie lalat di tubuh anie, pastu sambung-sambung titik-titik itam atu pakai pensil macam latihan buku di skulah randah. Usul-usulnya gambar kuda brasin plang nie.

Sem 3 anie, banyak ku baru belajar pasal sejarah negri tani hasil dari bahasa Melayu Nusantara atu, ke tempat-tempat besejarah kami contohnya the mall, ngurik rangka-rangka tulang manusia yang ngam makan baga masa ia kena tanam idup-idup, ada maseh plastik lambang penyangat, Jollibee tah kali tu. Tapi yang kan ku kungsi arah kamu, satu tabiat yang kena turun-turuni sejak dulu-dulu lagi. Bukan betabiat ah.

Dalam alam tani yang serba serbi, banyak misteri dunia yang akal cacat tani maseh alum tekupas, maseh lagi ada inda pemandainya cerdik-pandai tani, cuatah suruh cEinstein atu makan belacan, nada ya pandai tu. Satu masalah selasai, seribu masalah mengakai, jareh kepala jelama memisi sebiji-sebiji. lapas di buka satu pintu mau lagi membuka pintu lapas atu, sibuk banar jelama kan meliat urang mandi anie. tapi bejurit lagi maseh kejadian dunia yang alum lagi ada jawapan puas hati. Antara contoh mithali misteri menggaru ketiak anie macam brapa lama kan hayat seorang kartun? Sama macamana kan di bunuh derang anie? atau di mana slalu hang tuah minum teh tarik nya? Atau apa jenama kain hantu puchong? Indakan bepuluh-puluh cerita sudah masuk maseh alum kena sponsor.

Menyasar sikit semua karut, apa sebenarnya rahsia di calah ungkapan ‘inda kuasa’. Semua jelama brunei yang pernah bejumpa sorang nini pernah dangar ‘inda kuasa’ anie kurang labeh 37 kali dalam sehari. Frasa inda kuasa, sentuh ampir seluruh aspek idup sorang individu. Lain-lain keluarga, ada lain-lain versi inda kuasa derang. Apa sebenarnya salasilah inda kuasa anie? sapa sebenarnya menguat-kuasakan inda kuasa? Ada temaktub dalam akta kanun negara kah? Paksa rujuk loyar tani tu, nanti menanya abg presiden. Masa ku tanya satu prof yang pakar dalam bidang keninian anie, niniku plang tu, anie padahnya:

“inda kuasa betanya pasal inda kuasa anie lai”

Jan dulu dukacita pasal sukacita dimaklumkan, selapas kajian selautan, sama rundingan teliti dengan ‘orang dalam’ kedapatan tia ku…

Asal usul INDA KUASA.

Bejam-jam ku ngunjar di pustaka-pustaka sekitar tanah air, nda kedapatan. Kan tutup kes sudah, tapi kedapatan tia arah tampat paling aher sekali ku aga, pustaka paling unggul di brunei atu, inda ku ingat namanya, Pustaka Remaja kali. Arah bahagian tongkat-tongkat sama sirih pinang, ada memacul sikit, buku kena impit bawah rek, behabuk-habuk. Lapas sejam setangah dapan kipas meniup-niup habuk atu, Nampak tia tajuk buku atu. “kaling gey kaling gam” atau kurang labeh tafsirnya dalam bahasa kitani…


Kitab anie banyak guna bahasa-bahasa kulut, pusing-pusing, 2-3 perenggan, padahal isinya ‘aku kan ke jamban’ jua ganya. Kubagi sipnosis bahasanya, arah bahagian sekapur sirih buku anie.


Bunga rampai bunga suasa bunga purana

Barserabut di dalam dada bebulu puteh tumbuh kepala

Tokoh-tokoh pria tunggang turbalik huru hara

Brunei akan maju selepas kiamat akan tiba”

Rasa-rasanya mental plang penulisnya atu tapi dalam kitab anie, ada penjelasan yang teliti pasal ‘inda kuasa’ anie, ujung rambut ke ujung kaki, inda membari-bari. Di bawah, ringkasan creta tersebut.

Daripada karya ke terjemahan minda kepada kata-kata membabi buta


Jaman dawulu, sebelum jelama india-cina-indo-pilipin menyampuk, sebelum lagi ada astro, facebook, sama transformers, sebelum-sebelum lagi islam datang ke tanah tani, brunei panuh dengan urang2 melayu saja atau masa atu kena panggil mo-lo-yue. Masa atu, jelama alum tinggal sebagai satu masyarakat yang utuh, nada undang-undang teguh, buleh pacut saja masa lampu merah, alum plang ada traffic light. Derang tinggal setabur sini setampias sana. Alum ada jemputan-jemputan kawin, inda payah takut inda ngaga urang manggil ijap derang inda ngaga tani balik.

Pada satu hari, ada kanak-kanak bemain guli siring pantai pakai buah piasau, derang nampak ada kapal laut basar yang menuju kan paking. Indung derang, bapa nelayan yang samseng, orang kuat masa atu. Mama suripunduk, pakak sebalah telinga sama buta setampik, tecangang pasal baru pernah nampak kapal.

Bapa arah mama “ling, sapa kah tu?”

Mama menjawap “ ah?? Kah-ling?? Apakan cakap mu anie?” sambil menunjuk2.

Kanak-kanak tadi beranti main guli, sorang atu namanya Arakian tedangar kurapak indungnya atu pastu dangki nunjuk kapal sambil luncat-luncat “kahling!!…kahling!!…kahling!!”

Lapas kapal atu selasai paking reverse, manusia dalam kapal turun. Jelama-jelama yang turun anie bekulit itam, botak-botak, mua katat-katat, kan pacah ganya inda. Tani lumpat bahagian protokol-protokol, derang jabat tangan kali apa, ada sorang, aher sekali ya turun, namanya Sulemat Upasarga, usulnya ketua tentera bekulit itam anie, bila kuku kaki nya yang panjang atu di lantik nya sikit, semua askarnya nyuruh keluarga mo-lo-yue anie tunduk. Si nelayan inda mau, lapas karas-mengarasi, si bapa kena pancung dapan mata keluarganya. Si Arakian tunduk takut tapi mata merah.

Kampong ke kampong derang jelajah, satu tanah mo-lo-yue kenal derang, malam-malam, orang bisik-bisik kurapak pasal derang. Inda batah atu, derang mula ampai undang-undang, yang bangsa mo-lo-yue anie paksa patuh. Sapa yang langgar kena pancung. Undang-undang anie kena bina atas dasar nafsu sulemat sendiri. Jadi banyak benda yang inda dapat buat atu inda berapa masuk akal. Apa yang ia suka, buat, apa yang inda, pancung. Dua hukum anie kena panggil:

Baroo (buleh buat)

Nay baroo (inda buleh atau inda kuasa)

Warga tuha masa atu nada masalah patuh hukum-hukum anie, tapi orang-orang muda selalu inda sengaja kan telanggar peraturan, jadi bila derang kan tebuat, orang tua inda suruh, takut derang gtau kalau buat kena pancung, kena gtau saja jantah di buat, inda kuasa.

Pemerintahan derang lama, sampai turun temurun undang-undangnya, inda payah bebuku, semua jelama apal sebiji-biji, A ke Z. Walaupun cematu, majoriti orang sembunyi banci, kan kelaie inda dapat dikalahi, pasal nada senjata-senjata sakti. Tapi satu hari, ada satu kapal datang lagi.

Semua askar sulemat kucar-kacir, sedia senjata. Orang yang baru datang atu heran pasal tarus-tarus kena serang. Walaupun tentera sulemat ramai, tapi sayur saja kena makan oleh pendatang baru anie. Sorang-sorang mati lagi dan lagi sampai tiada lagi.

Ketua tentera baru atu diri dapan khalayak yang meliat perang tadi. Ia isyarat supaya derang datang dekat. Ia mula buku mulut.

Ia luah satu ungkapan inda urang paham masa atu, lapas atu ia cakap…

“nama ku sharif…

… sharif a..”

tebangun tia ku

Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Whats Up Doc?!

Salam sejahtera Bruians(yes,im all for it :p),

again we have to say sorry for the lack of updates the past few months,i know ada urang yang balik2 masuk ke blog ani just to find out any new posts.hopefully we could maintain this blog as long as there are Bruneians in IIUM.So..apa ada?in about one week,the 3rd semseter will be closing,i know yang some of us ada yang inda balik and ada yang still menyambung cuti 3 bulan.To all of you Bruians out there, enjoy it while you can pasalnya the new semester is coming soon.banar pulang baru jua kan cuti sem 3 tapinya sekajap ganya tu 2 minggu labih a2,we still have to prepare for the 2009/2010 session and hopefully all of us are ready.ada di kalangan kitani that are going to finish their wonderful time at IIUM and we all wish you guys the best in everything you do,kalau ada masa terluang atu,singgah-singgah lah ke KL melawat kami..jan saja lupa mbawa ole2 kalau datang a2..

To recap some of the activities in Semester 3 2008/2009,nothing much happening but atleast we had a relaxing time,banyak masa terluang yang di isi dengan sesi meliat wayang,mengupi,main Futsal and also keluar KL.apart from that,ada jua ABDB celebration di Prince Hotel and also Lawatan Menteri Pendidikan ke UIA.

So what do we have to look for in the new semester?

Friday, June 19, 2009

Happy Birthday to Adli n Dayah..

Salam..hari ani 2 org dripada urg BSU tani berkongsi tarikh hari jadi yg sama...adli n hidayah...
Semoga both of u have a blast bday...hehe smoga berjaya..slamat hari lahir...

Happy Birthday

Wednesday, June 17, 2009


Hello everyone!

Have you ever noticed that when you're in a group, if someone tells a joke and one person starts genuinely laughing, the others start laughing too, even if the joke's not funny? The same happens with tension and sadness. That's because, as a species, we're hardwired to relate to the feelings and emotions that other people give off. This helps us adapt and fit into our environment.

Okay, it works like this: If I smile at you, you'll feel inclined to reciprocate and smile back. In much the same way, if I look at you dismissively and then avert my eyes, you'll probably respond in kind, If I sigh, you feel it. If you laugh, I feel it.

Attitudes are contagious. they are, in fact, big bundles of feelings projected through body language, tone of voice and the words you choose. When you're angry, you look angry, you sound angry, you use angry words, and it makes other people feel uncomfortable. Conversely, when you're playful, you look playful, you sound playful, you use playful words, and it makes other people feel playful. Ditto for enthusiastic, or sexy, or any other mood.

This is the bad news and the good news all rolled into one. The bad part is that someone's miserable attitude can make anyone around them feel equally miserable. But, by the same token, a joyful attitude can make other feel joyful. You can make the most of this infectiousness, adjusting your attitude to drive other's behavior. Be joyful and your upbeat mood will rub off on others.

Have a nice day!

Menyambut ketibaan lawatan Menteri Pendidikan

Salam BSUians...utk makluman semua...on dis cumin friday 19/06/09 ada lawatan dari Menteri Pendidikan Brunei ke UIA.So, sapa2 yg free dis friday,after smbyg jumat d minta berkumpul d masjid operation room.For bini2an aroun 2 pm atu bsdia th nggu dkat2 atu..For laki2an, smbyg jumat d UIA.For ur info jua..UG n PG both kana dis time nda b limit lagi...

K Sekian Harap Maklum...

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Selamat hari jadi Hadi...

Salam....tarikh pada hari ini ialah 4hb jun 2009...d hari ini juga...salah seorg rakan BSU tni mnyambut hari ulangtahun klahirannya...Happy bday d ucapkn kepada Ak.Hj Mohd.Nor Hadi bin Pg Hj Bungsu...Semoga tahun ini mbwa kbahagiaan kepada awangku..hehe sukses2 slalu...lastly,jn lupa blanja..hehe

Happy Birthday